Find out more about Legrand’s 3D modelling capabilities at: LegrandComplete cable management solutionsUsing its global strength and market leading position, Legrand has developed a complete range of cable management solutions, including:- Swifts cable ladder- Swifts cable tray- Salamandre distribution trunking and lighting trunking- Cablofil steel wire cable tray- Floor systems- Perimeter systems2the cable management expertSwiFtS cabLe LaDDercabLOFiL SteeL wire cabLe traySaLaMaNDre DiStribUtiON trUNKiNGFLOOr SySteMS
#Rfx 75 or rfx 150 software
Specification data for engineering software systemsAs part of its ongoing commitment to customer support, Legrand’s cable management ranges have been integrated into a number of plant design modelling systems. the cable anageent eert S t cable tra. SWIFTS CABLE TRAYPRODUCT GUIDEINTRODUCTIONLegrand. he roadmap fi rml reasserts Legrand’s commitment to sustainable development.Find out more about Legrand’s CSR roadmap at: SRICSR CSSI IUSRIS IUSRISI‟RSRUCURⅿeatures_TTG v1.indd 2 12:46 IL I ILILegrand’s ℀℔℀ roadmap is a natural etension to the governance and sustainable development approach in hich the compan has been engaged for man ears. With an increasing investment in research and development (circa 5% of sales) and more than 4,000 active patents, the Legrand roup is focused on maintaining a high rate of ne product launches that present innovative solutions to the maret.

Innovation is the driving force behind its development.

SWIFTS CABLE TRAYCover_TTG v3.indd 1 11:09ĬSRUSERS- Provide sustainable solutions- Play a driving role in the electrical sectorSOCIETY- Act ethically- Ensure responsible purchasing- Enable access to electricity for allEMPLOYEES- Respect human rights- Guarantee health and safety at work- Develop skills and promote diversityENVIRONMENT- Reduce the Group’s environmental footprint- nnovate for a circular economyGlobalstrengthbuilt on localknowledgeLegrand is the global specialist in electrical and digital building infrastructures. SWIFTS®CABLE TRAYPRODUCT TECHNICAL GUIDE PRODUCT TECHNICAL GUIDE